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Natural Acne Treatment – The Best Possible Treatment!

Natural Acne Treatment – The Best Possible Treatment!

Are you currently faced with a dilemma that is haunting you literally each time that you face the mirror – morning, noon, and night? Actually there is absolutely no need for you to keep pitying yourself due to your skin’s awful condition, after all, who’s fault was it in the first place – and don’t go blaming your parents for bad genes! Healthy skin is highly dependent on a healthy body, a long as you keep yourself healthy and happy at all times then you will definitely see a significant improvement in your skin.

Take for example that rosy glow that people most often covet and usually rely on a bottled liquid to get the same “au naturel” effect. You will be able to easily achieve this by keeping your skin healthy as well as having good blood circulation. If you have fair skin then make sure that you keep it looking nice and even by not going out in the sun so much and if you must go out, do put on sunblock and remember to keep on slathering your skin with it from time to time.

As for good blood circulation, regular exercise is key to achieving this plus not staying up so late at night.

But what about finding the right natural acne treatment? Well a lot of people actually swear by oatmeal and honey masks made from you guessed it, oatmeal and honey. All you need to do is slather on the combination mask on your face so that the excess sebum will seep through the oats while it also sloughs off any impurities on your skin. Meanwhile the honey will help keep your skin soft, smooth and very moisturized.

Another great natural acne treatment that you can make use of is to always get enough sleep. Yes there are times when you just have a lot of things to do and you are deprived of the luxury of sleep but you can’t keep on doing this to yourself because aside from unsightly eyebags, soon you will find yourself with little red bumps here and there which is caused by stress and lack of sleep.

Just like with the rest of your body, your skin also needs the ample care that it needs for it to keep on looking nice and supple instead of looking dull, rough and tired.

There are actually a lot more kind of natural acne treatment available out there, if you want to find more about it simply do a search on it over on the Internet or start reading more beauty magazines to also get some practical advice to help you with your skin problems as well as to help you develop a skincare regimen that works best for your own skin.

It is important that you arm yourself with the right information on proper skincare rather than believe in old wives’ tales when it comes to taking care of your skin. While taking risks are considered a good thing when it comes to fashion, it’s actually not the case when you are talking about beauty as you may end up with rashes due to allergy or worse, a severe breakout because your skin’s not compatible with one or two of the ingredients in the product that you chose to try. When it comes to testing out products its best to try it a small amount on your hand first to see how your skin will react.

Looking for a way to get rid of your acne that really works?  We will show you the best ways and methods to get rid of your acne at

Acne Scars: Treatment and Prevention

Acne Scars: Treatment and Prevention

Acne scars are one of the most common skin diseases. They are often used for people of all ages. In general, they are a result of inflammation when bacteria, dead cells and oil combined access occurs, and began printing on the walls of the pores of the skin and the follicle wall breaks.

Your dermatologist is your first line of defense in your fight to the skin clear and acne free. They deal with cases that range from mild to severe. It is always better to get to the doctor soon after you, acne, rather than starting later. They can prescribe drugs, both pills and topical ointments, plus gives you ways to safely remove blackheads. It is especially helpful if you accompany it with a daily regimen of cleaning and care of the excess oil that builds up on your face.

If you suffer from acne, it is best to find a good medicine.

Acne scar prevention is far easier to accomplish if it to maintain a minimum amount of infections. Over-the-counter drugs for most people, but if it is desired, a dermatologist can assist in prescribing the best treatment for your skin.

Some agents are known to be ineffective in the treatment of scars, such as the use of antioxidants. This resulted from an understanding of free radicals that cause damage to the skin. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support that oral or topical antioxidants to prevent or heal skin damage. Research has shown that topical application of vitamin E can be little to be desired, and may even exacerbate the problem.

Silicone Sheets – Modern research has shown that silicone is an effective treatment in scar removal. While the science of how it works is still not completely understood, several companies manufacture silicone sheets and silicone based treatments that are required to minimize or eliminate the appearance of acne scars.

Chemical Peels – A chemical peel uses a chemical solution of Phenol, trichloroacetic acid and alphahydroxy acids on the outer layers of skin removed. Similar to microdermabraision and replace laser treatment, new skin cells are removed, the damaged cells, reducing or eliminating the visible signs of scarring.

If it is known that a person prone to acne it is important to be on the lookout for the first signs of symptoms. You should never wait to be developed for the treatment of blackheads. Blackheads develop into pimples and pustules develop cysts and nodules, which are the main cause of acne scars. It is acting on the control error quickly when the first signs of acne, the results come in so many sufferers do with their acne, some very unsightly scarring.

Laser resurfacing is a very popular and fast treatment for acne scars. Laser resurfacing basically works by burning a measure upper layer of the skin, and then they can heal, so that a newer looking skin. However, it must be prepared to the correct post operative procedure determines the success of the operation, according to the procedure.

With a clear understanding of your specific acne condition will help you to work on a possible solution. Type your acne, skin type and the type of scarring associated with your skin condition to consider three very important factors in deciding what treatment to employ.

You must read Best Acne TreatmentHow to Prevent Blackheads and How to Prevent Wrinkles

Related Acne Prevention Articles

Acne Scar Treatment and Prevention

Acne Scar Treatment and Prevention

Acne Scars due to severe acne. They can variety from deep pits to scars that are angular or wavelike in appearance. Acne scars typically look like “ice pick” pit scars or craterlike scars. Acne scarring results when the visible remnants of acne are permanently left on the skin after the acne itself subsides. Acne scars are often prominently visible on the face. There are two general types of acne scars, (1) scars caused by increased tissue formation, and (2) scars caused by loss of tissue. The best way of treating acne scars is to start early and continue for as long as is necessary.

Microdermabrasion acne scar treatment choice advances extensive skin tone and lustre and appears to assist external squashy acne scars. It also works best if you get a series of at least 6 peels, having one every 1-2 weeks. It employs very fine aluminum crystals to create a micro dermabrasion effect on the skin.

Dermabrasion is most effective treatment for acne scars. Under local anesthetic, a high-speed brush or fraise used to remove surface skin and alter the contour of scars. Superficial scars may be removed altogether, and deeper scars may be reduced in depth. Another method for treating acne scarring is dermabrasion.

Dermabrasion uses a rotating wire brush or spinning diamond instrument to wear down the surface of the skin. The newest form of treatment for acne scarring is called fractional laser therapy. This type of treatment works at a deeper level than laser resurfacing or dermabrasion, because fractional laser therapy doesn’t wound the top layer of tissue, healing time is shorter. Antibiotics and acne cremes are most commonly prescribed first to clear the skin and prevent further breakouts.

Laser skin resurfacing technique uses a combination of laser carbon dioxide (CO2).

The skin is removed layer by layer, which removes the uppermost section of the scars, at the similar time heat produced by the laser tightens the skin, which will aid smooth out the scars. Laser resurfacing is often combined with one or several other treatments for acne scars. This combination approach consistently gives better results when compared to other therapies. Most acne scar treatments are not covered by health insurance plans, and can be quite costly if more than a couple of treatments are needed, which is the case in more instances than not. Less expensive acne scar treatments can always be tried first, especially if the scars are not too severe.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for Women Health Care. She also writes articles for depression treatment and health diseases.

Is Acne Laser Treatment Safe?

Is Acne Laser Treatment Safe?

Acne is bad enough, but acne scarring is, for many, a great deal worse. What is the best thing to do about it? How can you easily remove or treat acne scarring? More importantly, how safe are the methods?

The scar tissue that arises from acne treatment does so for a variety of reasons, but it is clear that the removal of the scar tissue should be done so early that it reduces problems and unsightly scarring that could otherwise remain with you for the rest of your life.

Over the years cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists have used a variety of different methods, including laser treatment to deal with acne scarring. A rather painful but popular method was the ‘sanding’ of the scar tissue, a method called dermabrasion. It could lead to considerable discomfit after the operation and could take a considerable period for the skin to repair itself.

In addition to these treatments of acne scarring there have also been chemical peels, grafting and soft tissue filling.

Laser treatment of acne has become very popular as new laser technology has come about and this treatment is widely used for a very wide variety of skin problems – everything from crows feet around the eyes to serious scarring.

It is relatively simple, unobtrusive and safe.

Apart from being non-invasive, laser treatment is also highly precise and permits the surgeon to operate with great precision on specific areas affected by acne so as to better deal with the scars.

Because it is a non-ablative procedure where the laser operates beneath the surface of the skin and through stimulating production of collagen it tightens the skin tissue, but this is not always particularly good for removing scarring itself.

There are two main forms of acne scar removal, one being the Erbium laser, which emits a precise wavelength that leaves the non-acne scarred skin completely unaffected, but removes the scar tissue.

There are a variety of lasers being used, including the Matrix, Affirm Laser Pixel Laser, Sciton laser and others.

These are mainly used for fractional laser resurfacing, which regenerates the skin around the scar tissue while impacting the actual scar tissue through the emission of light pulses.

The laser itself emits short, high-energy bursts of carbon dioxide or erbium energy focused on the affected skin. It eliminates the deep-seated damaged cells and promotes the growth of collagen, a process that continues for some months and thus helps produce “new” skin to cover the old scar tissue. This is therefore highly effective and the treatment may be required up to three times in order to take full effect.

Fractionated laser treatment handles small parts of the skin and involves tiny laser treatment that zeros in upon areas beneath the skin surface through the creation of hundreds of tiny ‘holes’. This will also help to stimulate the production of collagen and the growth of new skin tissue.

Whatever form of laser acne treatment you prefer you need to ensure you have the best advice given your own particular circumstances including the number of treatments you will require given your particular skin type, scarring severity and other issues.

Susie Oprey published the highly popular acne skincare reviews site at which carries updated reviews and articles on the very latest acne treatment methods, including natural acne remedies. She also provides her free ‘Acne Away’ course at the site.

Acne Control Tips and Prevention

Acne Control Tips and Prevention

1. Make sure you use a regular facial skin care routine. Keeping your skin clean and fresh is vital to keeping it healthy. After hours of exposing your skin to the harsh environment, it deserves proper cleansing. It is very important that you remove makeup thoroughly before hitting the sheets. Make sure you use skin care products that are gentle to your skin. Some products contain harsh ingredients that lead to over stimulation of oil glands, which lead to acne. Use a good exfoliate or facial scrub to clean out your pores once a week. At least once a month, go to your favorite skin care salon or spa and have a facial, or you can do a home facial yourself.

2. Choose the right skin care products. The right skin care products can vary depending on your skin type. Skin care products are usually formulated to suit specific skin types. For example, if you have dry skin, get moisturizers with relatively thick consistency to keep your skin hydrated.

If you have oily skin, avoid thick formulations as they might aggravate your acne.

3. Never pick your pimples! This is a very important rule in skin care. Squeezing, picking and forcing out pimples, whiteheads or blackheads will result to scarring and will indefinitely damage your skin. The area can become inflamed and will actually worsen your skin problem.

4. Use clean towels, pillow cases and bed sheets. Dirty towels and bedding’s contain unwanted bacteria that can lead to acne breakouts. Make sure you change them often. I recommend that you use a new pillow case every 2 days for severe acne. Flip it over the second day and change it on the third day. This can really help since you lay on your pillow 6-8 hours a night when you are sleeping.


Keep a healthy diet. The formula is quite simple: healthy diet = healthy body = healthy skin. Load up on lots of fruits and vegetables, as they contain fiber that can sweep off toxins and waste that can lead to acne. They also contain antioxidants and vitamins good for the skin. Avoid foods that are too oily as they can cause skin breakouts. Personally, I avoid mayonnaise! This really causes me to break out. Stay away from fried foods!

6. Reduce the stress. Stress can cause too many problems, one of which is acne. Check your lifestyle and find out ways that you can reduce your stress. Try to engage in activities that can make you feel relaxed after a long day’s work – like taking a long bath or simply lying down for a few minutes. A friend of mine spent 3 months studying the the attorney’s bar exam and had a sever breakout of acne during this time from the stress. Sometimes you can’t avoid it but make the conditions around you better to try to keep the damage to a minimum.

7. Drink plenty of water. The skin cells are mostly made out of water, so keep your skin hydrated by drinking at least 8 full glasses of water everyday. Increase your intake if you drink coffee, soft drinks or alcohol.

8. Wear sunscreen. As much as possible, try to minimize exposure to the sun. It emits UV radiation that can harm the skin. If you must spend time outdoors even just for a while, apply sunscreen with a high SPF.

Simply follow these tips and see how your acne problem improves little by little. If you have severe acne problems and some permanent scarring, it is best to seek professional advice on how to manage your skin.

If you would like additional information on skin care please contact us. Rebecca’s skin care provides skin care facial services.

Over the Counter Acne Treatment

Over the Counter Acne Treatment

There are many types of acne treatments that are available over the counter, but some people may be too embarrassed to purchase such products in a physical store. This is why shopping on the internet has become more and more popular. Buying products and getting them delivered to your door anonymously is another reason why people love shopping online.

But how do you know which over the counter acne treatment is the best one for you, what proof do you have that it works? There are so many products these days that you may be confused on which to try first. I would say that the first thing you will need to do when deciding what type of treatment to buy is whether you want to use a traditional medical treatment, or a natural product.

Natural acne treatments are growing rapidly over the last 10 years, moving towards a more environmental lifestyle has made these products more and more popular.

Most of these products are extremely good, but it is best to do research to ensure that you are clear about what you are buying and what it is supposed to do for your skin and most importantly for your acne.

Most of the modern medical treatments are plain, simple and direct with many of the more popular ones containing salycic acid or benzoyl peroxide. If you prefer to go for the natural products (which I believe is the best way to go), then you are faced with yet any challenge, choosing the best product from thousands. Such natural products include: tea tree oil, aloe vera and Vitamin E supplements. It is hard to tell when finding out which product is the best for over the counter acne treatment, as different products work well with different people. The main course of action that each of these products do is to firstly dry the skin to prevent oil building up, this will then lead to less break outs.

My advice would be to not buy the most visual appealing or expensive item you can find, but to ask a qualified person which is the best over the counter acne treatment. In most cases they have an extensive knowledge vast greater than your own and will provide cures that will work well with your skin and body type. Remember, each person is unique, a single treatment will not cure everybody that is affected by acne. My advice would be to test and try, the best way to stop anonymous when buying these treatments is to do so online.

To find out more about how Natural Cure; The Natural Way To Get Rid Of Your Acne and Scaring can help you, click here

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