Natural Acne Remedy ? Drug Free Acne Treatments
Aloe Vera As A Natural Acne Remedy
Although widely known for it’s other healing properties as a natural acne remedy it is perhaps not quite as popular, Aloe Vera is also known as medicinal Aloe, it is a tropical succulent plant that is widely used by natives in the countries in which it grows and in recent years has been adopted into many types of Western homeopathic health remedies, for a variety of different complaints.
Actual concrete Scientific evidence has yet to properly established, but there can be little doubt it has beneficial effects for many conditions, in this case the skin.
Aloe vera should not be thought of as a miracle cure for acne, but it can certainly assist with skin the repair of damaged skin, it also has good soothing properties and can help a great deal with inflammation, but as stated, on its own it will not make you free from acne but it can help to lessen the effects, and this in itself is worth a try for the sufferer, because as a natural acne remedy it will probably help you.
Aloe Vera products are generally formulated as a gel for use on the skin, and they should be applied as directed, there are various different preparations, soaps, skin cleansers and so on, and they should be used together as part of you general plan for curing your acne.
Certain products can also be applied directly to acne as topical treatment, other types can be used as a moisturizer, Aloe vera can be particularly good for this, it should also be noted that Aloe Vera can be used as a mask too, apply it to the face before retiring and wash it off in morning, there is not much doubt that for many people Aloe vera products work well when used as part of a general regime, it is important to remember that they will not fix your acne on their own, and it might be a while before any beneficial effect is noticed, but as with any natural acne remedy nothing is guaranteed to work for everyone.
Help Heal Acne Scars With This Natural Acne Remedy
Many people would probably not consider honey as a natural acne remedy, and to some extent this is true as it will not actually cure it, but the properties of natural honey can be beneficial in treating the scarring that acne may leave behind, help them to blend in better with the rest of the skin, and in the case of some people remove them altogether, it may take some time to work, but results have shown that it may well be worth the time and trouble it takes to apply it if you are particularly worried about your scarring.
Manuka honey, is considered the best to use in its raw state, processed honey such as that can bought a the store probably not effective as the refining may destroy their natural chemicals.
You can eat it of course, but the idea is to spread it all over your face as a form of mask, then leave it to do its work until it becomes dry.
this is usually around half an hour, after than wash it off with water and pat dry, make sure that you washed your face before application.
Even if using honey does not seem to help your acne, you can be sure it will be good for the rest of your complexion, so either way you cannot lose.
Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel is a type of small tree of the species Hamamelis, extracts from it have long been used in medicine and it is a tried and trusted remedy for all manner of complaints.
It has excellent astringent properties, and has a natural anti-bacteriant quality making it excellent for use for acne for which it is well known, it also helps to contract distended blood vessels and is used for this medically.
Witch Hazel is a wonderful natural product and is definitely worth using as a facial astringent and cleanser, apply it with a pad or tissue soaked with to the affected area and do this a couple of times a day, there is no need to wash it off, it obviously will not cure acne but it costs very little and you shouldn’t be without it as a face cleanser, any drug store should sell it.
If you find that using Witch Hazel makes your acne worse then obviously you should stop using it immediately as it is unlikely that it will be suitable for everyone’s skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar – A Natural Acne Cure?
One of the latest products to be added to the list of acne home remedy is that of of apple cider vinegar, it seems to possess some very beneficial health aspects and is being touted as sort of cure all for all kinds of ailments, including acne which is what it is appearing here.
It is undoubtedly effective for its ability to flush toxins from the body and it contains several chemical acids that may help to remove excessive oils from the body, and it is possible these are the reasons why it can work.
However apple cider vinegar may not be agreeable with everyone and it has been reported that in some cases acne has worsened after taking it, but other have seen excellent results in under a week, so it will be a case of trying it for yourself to see if it has any effect for you personally.
To check whether or not you have an adverse reaction to it, the usual method is to rub some on a less sensitive area of the body first, say the forearm, before putting any on the face, if all is well, then try it on a small area of your acne first, you should not use apple cider vinegar on the skin neat, but dilute it around 8:1 with water, another secret tip is to crush an ordinary aspirin tablet to powder and mix this well in until dissolved, this solution can then be applied to a clean face like a lotion.
The drawback with this natural acne remedy is the very strong smell of the vinegar, so if you intend to go out anywhere you will probably not want to apply it beforehand.
An alternative is to actually drink it, as it is if you can stand it, otherwise mix it with something else to change the taste, like an acidic fruit juice.
Baking Soda – An Inexpensive And Natural Acne Remedy
Ordinary Baking Soda, (Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3)has long been used by many acne sufferers, and in some cases it has actually cured the sufferers acne problem, in other it has certainly been a help in bringing their condition under control.
Its main characteristic is its powerful bacteria killing qualities, it is often used in the sterilizing of thermos flasks, as it is completely safe and leaves no smell or residue.
Baking soda for acne treatment though may be used in several different ways, as mentioned on another page elsewhere on this site, it may be mixed into a paste with a little water and gently massaged into the face, this makes an excellent cleaning medium for the face to really clean the facial pores, and it works very well for this, wash it off after ten minutes or so, it may also be left on until it completely dries thus forming a mask, this may take around half an hour or so.
It may also be mixed with water as a liquid and sprayed onto the face with an atomizer, use about a small eggcup full in warm water out of the kettle
For much more in-depth and helpful information about Acne Treatments as well as useful advice and tips, including Home Remedies For Acne visit the author’s website using the links here, and start looking after your skin today!