Tag Archives: Acne

Overview of Natural Acne Care

Overview of Natural Acne Care

Treating acne with new science using synthetic medicines and creams as well as surgeries can be a very painful experience. However, if you want a less painful way of treating your acne, then you should consider natural acne care.

Though natural acne care is considered a non-physician healer technique, it has its own history over the centuries where people have used it when technology is not available. Natural ingredients in the treatment have its advantages as it does not cause inflammation, redness, allergies while it work on solving your acne problem.

One thing for sure is that, natural acne treatments can be a minimalist, no-frills method. Many people do not buy into the healing powers of natural ingredients as it does not have fancy wrapping or expensive luxurious counters.Natural ingredients don’t contain alcohol, gives a skin drying effect and also will not cause side effects to your skin.

Natural acne treatments uses the combination of healing techniques commonly known as traditional or alternative therapies and natural substances made mostly from plants.

In conjunction with the usual skin deep cleansing of the skin to cure acne, you must understand that acne is part of your health. When your organs like kidney and liver are over-worked, toxins will get out of your body through your skin. It is also true when you are not eating enough of the nutrients to keep your skin healthy.

Making changes to your lifestyle and take care of your overall health is important to cure your acne. Natural acne supplements or creams can only do so much and you need to do your part in helping it to heal from your inner health. So, it is advisable to eat well and practice good hygiene to cure acne. Natural acne care can teach you a lot about techniques, importance of diet, nutrients, and your skin. You will benefit not only in solving your acne problem, but you will become more aware of how your entire health works together.

Not only will your skin reap the benefits, you will feel way much better when you apply changes in your lifestyle, diet, and together with the healing methods of natural acne cure. Natural acne skin care is just as effective as any regular skin care and it keeps your safe from hazardous drugs or abrasive chemical skin care products.Just do a little research on your side, get to know your skin type and choose natural ingredients that complements your skin.

Natural resources are the safest, nutrient rich ingredients that nourishes and boosts the immunity of your skin.Join me, Julia M., on my journey to learn more about natural skin care at Skin Care Label. Improve your skin and gain a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Preventing Bad Acne Breakouts

Preventing Bad Acne Breakouts
One of the most critical steps to achieving a beautiful look is proper skin care and treatment. Taking care of your skin is also important for your health as open sores from acne are doors to all manner of bacteria and diseases.

Once acne has developed you will run the risk of acne scars and it is much harder to get rid of. It is much easier to prevent acne than to treat acne.

Most people think that taking of your skin is a long process that uses very expensive products. However, proper skin care treatment does not have to be a long process or expensive.

Models specialize in proper skin care and they do not have a lot of time to apply ointments and salves before they layer on the makeup. The only requirement for proper skin care to be effective is that you do it every day.

Even missing one day can provide your skin an opportunity to breakout and scar. There are many things you can do to achieve healthy and clear skin.

The first thing you will definitely want to do is wash you face at least twice a day. Use clean water and a gentle facial soap.

Even bar soap can work as long as it is pure. Do not use warm water to wash your fast as hot water opens the pores and makes them appear larger.

It is a much better idea to suffer through cold water so that your pores will appear closed and healthy. It also definitely helps to reduce the use of cosmetics as much as possible.

Many cosmetics contain oil which can severely exacerbate the problem. Even though many brands are coming out with new products are oil free, make up is still considered to be dirt to your skin pores.

When you do have to wear makeup, be sure to use hypoallergenic products. Be sure to wash off all of your makeup before you go to bed.

The third thing that you should keep in mind is that your hair and hands are dirty. By touching your face or allowing your hair to get in your face you will be transferring dirt and oil to your face.

It is much better to use applicators when applying things to your face so that you will not add the oil and dirt from your hands to your face. Another bad habit is leaning your face on your hands.

This is another sure way to develop break out and acne. It can help clear your face to get into the habit of tying your hair back.

Another thing that can help clear your skin is water. Water washes away dirt, toxins, and other things that are bad for your body.

By drinking more water and making sure that you are staying hydrated, your body will be able to maintain clearer skin. Besides, well hydrated skin looks healthier and better maintained.

Water is not the only thing that you can take into your body that will result in healthier skin. The nutrients found in fruits and vegetables can also increase the healthiness of your skin tremendously.

Vitamin A and vitamin E are particularly important for your skin. These things are also good for your body in other ways as well.

Something that is a two edged sword for your skin is the sun. The sun can cause severe damage to your skin, but also provides needed chemical reactions in your skin that benefit it.

It is best to use sunscreen to protect your skin, but you must be aware that sunscreen can clog pores and it may result in acne breakouts. Be sure to properly wash it off when you are done being in the sun.

The sunscreen will protect you from the ultraviolet rays that come from the sun. These rays can cause acne as well as age your skin tremendously.

When you do develop acne, it is critical that you do not pick or squeeze them. This will cause you to break out even more because you will be touching your face.

In addition, it will result in acne scars that will be very difficult to fade and they may never go away. Instead, treat your acne with ointments and creams.

Remember that touching them will only add to the problem by adding more oil. Getting your beauty rest is also important as your body will refresh itself while it sleeps, which means it will clean off the skin as best it can.

Jack R. Landry has been in the health industry since 1992. He specializes in health supplements, vitamins and Moringa.

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Jack R. Landry

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Acne Treatment

Acne Treatment
Accutane Side Effects Exposed: Side Effects of the Miracle Drug and the Alternative to Accutane

If you suffer from severe case of acne that has failed to respond to conventional treatments such as antibiotics, then your dermatologist may recommend the use of the popular Accutane or Isotretinoin. Accutane is a potent oral drug from Hoffman-LaRoche that has been proven highly effective for reducing acne symptoms dramatically after only one course of 15-20 weeks.

With its undoubting success at battling even the toughest cases of acne and ever-growing popularity among teens as a miracle drug, why is Accutane still considered the most controversial pharmaceutical on the market? The answer: a documented list of severe and sometimes permanent side effects.
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Although some of the side effects associated with the use of Isotretinoin are mild and tolerable (dry lips, dry eyes, nosebleeds, extremely dry skin, increased sensitivity to the sun and thinning hair) there is in fact a long list of serious side effects that have been reported due to the use of Accuttane which persisted even after the drug therapy was stopped. Among those are: Severe aches and pains in the lower back and large joints, severe allergy reactions that include moderate rashes and difficulty to breath, vision problems, hearing loss, permanent liver damage, persistent migraines and headaches and skeletal hyperostosis which is an excessive bone growth that occurs along the sides of the spine.

But perhaps, the two most bothersome of all Accutane side effects are its potential to cause severe birth defects if taken by pregnant women or women that became pregnant while taking the drug and the suggested link between the intake of Accutane and the changes in mood, severe depression and suicidal thoughts.

Since, Isotretinoin can be harmful to the fetus, it should not be used during pregnancy and women should avoid pregnancy for at least a month after the use of Accutane. Additionally, because of its severe side effects, nursing mothers must avoid the drug completely.

Although researchers still argue whether Isotretinoin causes depression or not, Roche the manufacturer of Accutane, openly shares information claiming that Accutane and its generic, isotretinoin, can alter mood: “Synthetic derivatives of vitamin A, can negatively impact brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin.”

The FDA website warns: “All patients treated with isotretinoin should be observed closely for symptoms of depression or suicidal thoughts, such as sad mood, irritability, acting on dangerous impulses, anger, loss of pleasure … mood disturbance, psychosis, or aggression.”

Moreover, statistics show that between 1989 and 2003, there were 216 reported drug-linked suicides among U.S. teens younger than 18. Of these, 72 suicides were linked to Accutane (isotretinoin). The next highest number of suicides in that time period — 55 — involved Prozac (fluoxetine).

Accutane works by reducing the size and output of the sebaceous glands and thus stops excess oil production. The problem is that Accutane damages your skins sebum glands and liver function in the process. By the time you stop taking the drug, your skin oil glands will return to function but your liver will not be able to properly balance your hormones and prevent the over production of sebum.

Isotrteinoin also normalizes your keratinization (the shedding of dead skin cells), improves fat metabolism and reduces inflammation. But all of these benefits can be easily achieved using all natural dietary, supplementation and skin care alternatives and without the side effects. For example: Foods that are rich in Vitamin A and Beta Carotene can help reduce the secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands. Simple home made peels made of Papaya can easily replace the peeling action of Isotrerinoin and sleep optimization, and regular exercising including vitamin, C, E, Zinc and Colostrum can boost the immune abilities of the body and thus reduce inflammation.

Accutane is not the solution to acne. Not only does it treat the symptoms of the disease and not the internal cause, stopping your skin’s natural oil production, can in most cases, result in extra dryness combined with the acceleration of the skin’s aging process (yes! your skin will look older). Moreover, Accutane severely damages your liver function among other side effects, which in turn destroys your delicate inner balance and your natural healing abilities. Hence, it is doing the opposite of curing.

A long-term acne solution should address the internal cause of acne by tackling all acne contributing factors and neutralizing the acne environment – the only, safe, natural and effective way you could ever achieve lasting acne freedom.

Mike Walden is a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, “Acne No More- Open The Door To An Acne Free Life.” Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide. For information on Mike’s Holistic Clear Skin program, visit:

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Acne No More is the #1 best selling acne ebook in the history of the Internet for a reason…

Body Acne (Change Acne Control Cleanse to Cleanser)

Body Acne (Change Acne Control Cleanse to Cleanser)

Do you think that acne develops only on the neck and face?  If you do, you’re mistaken; acne often develops on other areas of the body, too.  Body acne is the result of many – or a multitude of things. Body acne can be the symptom of poor nutrition.  Body acne can rear its ugly head as a result of too much stress.  There are other possible causes of body acne, such as improper hygiene and the ingestion of toxins.  Toxins often cause body acne.  Toxins that cause body acne can be environmental or pharmaceutical.  Whichever the cause, no one enjoys body acne, for not only is it unattractive, but often painful, as well.  We all want to know how to get rid of body acne – no matter where on our body it is found. People of all ages – children, teenagers, and adults alike – just want body acne to be gone.  Choosing a particular remedy is the first step toward eradicating body acne.  Before choosing that remedy that’s right for us, we have to determine just which problem is – or problems are – causing the body acne.  The first cause of body acne to suspect is almost always clogged skin pores.

Body acne is a skin condition more generally caused by clogged pores.  Those pores are usually clogged due to an overabundance of oil in hair follicles.  Whether that excessive amount of oil is caused by uncleanliness or a greasy diet, it has to come out.  Body acne – just as face, neck, and shoulder acnes – has to be starved of its nasty breeding ground; that nasty breeding ground for body acne is supplied by backed up, unclean body oils.

Of course, we can wash regularly and thoroughly and still end up with body acne.  Although frustrating, we know there can be other causative factors for body acne.  First, our cleansing agents might not be doing as good a job as we had thought.  Second, body acne can be caused by excessive perspiration or tension from just too many worries.  Whatever the cause – or causes – body acne nearly always presents a tough challenge.  When we decide to meet that challenge and get rid of it, the condition of the body acne may be in the beginning stage of whiteheads or blackheads, or sore-looking, red, swollen eruptions.  On the other hand, we may be facing a more advanced stage of body acne; one of irritatingly inflamed skin.  Whichever stage your body acne is I n, the most important thing you can do is to cleanse it thoroughly, both inside and out.  SkinB5 offers the perfect cleaning solution by way of its gentle-but-powerful body acne control cleanser.  Rich in antioxidants, as well as soothing herbs and vitamins, this cleanser was formulated to fight this deep-cleaning battle for you.  Body acne must never be subjected to oily, waxy, or toxic commercial preparations.  SkinB5’s body acne is completely free of such troublesome ingredients.  Their body acne cleanser is natural, pure, and toxin-free.

After cleansing your body acne with SkinB5’s hard-to-beat Acne Control Cleanser, the next step to take is to use their Acne Cleansing Mask on every area where you see body acne.  This mask is fast-acting and uniquely prepared to absorb residual excess oils from tough-to-clean body acne; its hearty base of mineral-rich French Clay guarantees a complete and luxurious body acne cleansing experience.  When fighting body acne, both of these cleansing products are essential.  Together, the SkinB5 Acne Control Cleanser and Acne Cleansing Mask prepare a squeaky-clean skin for the next productive step toward body acne removal, which is the internal acne clearing process with the powerful Acne Control Tablets or Capsules.


Acne Property Cure

Acne Property Cure

If you might have the misfortune of possessing dealt with acne your entire everyday living, you already know personally have difficult it is usually. You will be also possibly aware that you will find a good deal of unique people who recommend various acne home cure ideas, most of which tend not to definitely get the task accomplished. If your circumstance is critical, then any acne cure you might have tried may not are actually enough. If this may be the event then you are going to wish to think of working with a distinct cure.

If the tried-and-genuine acne property cure ideas like aloe vera, toothpaste, etcetera., haven’t worked at clearing up your skin tone, then you happen to be probably going to have to put together a top quality acne fighting system like Proactive that you’ll be able to use in your own home. Though this product is neither healthy nor a thing you can make yourself, it could even now be an exceptional acne cure.

Just make sure that your fingers are cleanse when you might be applying this cure for the experience because you really don’t want any added bacteria likely around. It provides great success to people today that are struggling with stubborn cases of acne.

You will find numerous great household acne cures that you can try out – you certainly not know what will function until eventually you look at it. You are going to practically instantly see a distinction within the pimples on your own experience and that may be why toothpaste is an excellent acne property cure. In the event you attempt this acne home cure, you should notice the results following the first several uses. Proactive has proven to generally be one of the top rated acme household cure goods within the market place.

Make sure you communicate for your doctor or dermatologist if you are having hassle finding the correct acne household treatment remedy on your certain circumstances. This is one more really preferred thought for treating acne and a single which is completely normal. If none of your acne home cures that you just attempt are helping your breakouts, then never hesitate to go to some dermatologist for guidance. You will discover a variety of various procedures that is usually performed which assist to clear away acne pimples, cysts and scars and which can be often the one answer for folks with stubborn acne ailments.

For extra details, ideas and advice about a Acne Residence Cure

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Preventing Acne Scars

Preventing Acne Scars

Acne affects nearly all of us at one point or another during our life. It usually affects teenagers but it can strike at any time during life. In most cases acne clears up by around the age of 20, but it can leave embarrassing scars on the face, neck and back as a constant reminder. If you do have acne now, is there anything you can do to prevent permanent scarring?

There is no way to guarantee that you won’t get a scars from your acne outbreaks as scars can occur with any kind of wound to the skin, but there are some things you can do to reduce the chances of any permanent scarring.

First of all the obvious thing is to try and reduce the frequency of acne outbreaks. This can often be difficult but try visiting a dermatologist and see if they can help you to reduce the number of outbreaks.

If you have tried to reduce the number of acne outbreaks but are still getting spots and pimples make sure you don’t squeeze them or pick at them.

The reason is this can actually increase the chance of a scar forming in the place of the pimple. This is because you are forcing the problem material deeper into the dermis which can cause scarring.

If you have scars from your acne then you should also avoid picking these as they are natural when the skin is healing. If you pick the off the healing will take longer and scars are more likely to form.

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