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Prevent Acne Using These Tips

Prevent Acne Using These Tips


People, especially teenagers, are looking for ways on how to get rid of acne. If you are in this condition you are endangering your self to further spread of the infection and lifetime scarring of your face.

Getting rid of acne is a lot tougher than preventing them. So the best offense to get rid of acne is a good defense and prevents acne and pimples from occurring in the first place.

Here are some tips on preventing acne such as pimples, blackheads and whiteheads.

How To Prevent Acne

What actually starts acne is not well known, but it is believed to be caused by a hormone imbalance that is why teenagers going through puberty are more prone to this condition.

Acne develops when the skin excretes excess amounts of sebum (oil), which will cause the dead skin to clump together blocking pores.

This action traps bacteria in the pores that allow the bacteria to grow. At this point, the white blood cells will attack the growing bacteria resulting in acne.

Here is what you can do to prevent acne:







Exercise– It has been presented that exercise may help prevent acne by flushing the pores. No proof has been presented that supports this theory, yet it makes sense that sweating will purge your pores. Yet if you do exercise, it is important to properly clean your face afterwards to prevent clogging of your pores.
Cleansing– This is an important step to prevent acne. Using a cleanser specifically designed to stop acne by removing dead skin, sebum and bacteria will go a long way to preventing acne. This cleansing should be done at least twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed.
Oil Products– It is important to keep products that contain oil away from your face. You have enough oil being secreted by your skin, which you are trying to control, so you do not need any more. Look for products that you want to use on your skin that contain noncomedogenic or non-acnegenic which will not affect your pores and are oil free.
Exfoliate– Doing this one to two times a week will help remove dead skin and prevent clogging of your pores.
T -Zone– This is the area of your forehead, nose and chin that is more prone to acne infections than other parts of your body. So when you cleanse and exfoliate pay special attention to this area.
Vitamin A– A substance closely related to Vitamin A, called retinoid, is often used orally and topically (externally) by dermatologist to prevent acne breakouts. It works by promoting rapid skin cell division to prevent plugging of your pores.
Omega -3 – This is an essential fatty acid obtained from cold-water fish, such as wild salmon. They supposedly contain ingredients, according to a study performed by Lasky Skin Clinic in 2008. that may help in preventing acne. To help support this study, it was also found that communities that consumed large amounts of Omega – 3 in their diet had a very low occurrence of acne.


Of all these tips on how to avoid acne, the most important one to abide by is proper cleansing and exfoliating of your skin.


Jimmy C has been studying skin care for many years because of his skin problems in his youth. He is the Editor in Chief of a number of skin care web sites. Being a victim of acne in his younger days, he has researched this subject to help people prevent and stop acne. He has also studied many aspects of caring for the bodies skin and keeping it youthful and free of irritants. For more information on caring for acne or other facial blemishes and keeping your youthful appearance go to his web sites at Skin Care or Acne.

Acne Care – Avoid These Foods

Acne Care – Avoid These Foods

No people in this world love to have acne popped out on their face. But then, this problematic disease is not something we can control, especially when we are young. By the time we are aware of acne, it is probably too late for us to halt it as it already scarred your face. Acne usually starts appear during the puberty stage. Some people are born to be lucky for not going through this condition, but these people are usually minority.

Many people, including teenagers and adults are suffering from acne. While there are a lot of factors that can contribute to the acne breakouts, eating unhealthy food is one of the causes. This is not a myth. There is a definite relation between acne and eating habits. So, if you want to get rid of acne, it is necessary for you to know and discover which type of foods that can cause acne. The best possible action is to exclude them from your meal plans.

Here are some of the common list of food that can trigger acne:

Junk Food/Processed Food

Maybe you are not aware of this, but junk food and fast food are generally unhealthy to your health.

The processed foods usually contain a lot of preservatives and additives that are obviously not safe for your skin. Each of the consumption of these foods increases the volume of the toxin into your body and will eventually lead to pimples. Also, it is worth to note that some of the junk foods also contains a high volume of refined sugar and artificial sweeteners. These ingredients also can lead to acne breakouts.

Dairy Products

There is no denying that dairy products such as milk, cheese, ice-cream are extremely delicious to eat, especially during the breakfast and teatime, but these foods are the main culprits that cause acne. Milk consumption increases the production of oil by your oil glands. When your skin is too oily, pimples bound to appear. If you can completely excluding any of the dairy products from your meals, then you should lessen the intake.

Red Meat

Eating red meat also can cause acne. It is mainly because it is too difficult to digest and contains certain level of hormone. Consuming this meat will rise your hormone levels, which can cause an adverse effect to the skin. As for the digestion part, your organism is not capable enough to wiping them out completely from the body. The remaining wastes that left in the organism are going to be ejected through the skin, which resulting acne breakout.


Who don’t like to eat chocolate and drink coffee or energy drinks? Well, consider this as a bad news. Consuming any foods or drinks that contain caffeine can trigger acne breakouts. It is almost impossible to get rid of acne if you can’t stop yourself from eating/drinking caffeine-based foods. The effect of caffeine is extremely strong since they are high in sugar level and can easily leading your skin to sever acne breakout conditions.


Acne No More is a self-help acne treatment guidebook. If you are serious about treating your acne, getting Acne No More is your best move. For more information about Acne No More, please visit: star-info2.com

Try These Home Acne Treatment Tips

Try These Home Acne Treatment Tips

Up to 60 million Americans suffer from acne, making it one of the most prevalent skin conditions for teens and adults. Acne is caused when pores become clogged with bacteria, dirt and oil. While cleansing your skin is very important, because acne is caused by hormones and occurs deep under the surface of the skin, soap and water alone cannot clear a breakout.

Home Acne Treatment

Washing your skin with soap and water first thing in the morning can reduce sebum production for up to four hours. Benzoyl peroxide is a medication that kills the bacteria that causes acne. Salicylic acid slows the sloughing of cells inside the pore, which can prevent clogging. Sulfur dries the top layers of skin and allows it to peel. It also helps break down whiteheads and blackheads and promotes new cell growth.

Skin Treatment

Follow this home acne treatment every day.

Wash your skin first thing in the morning. After fully drying your skin, apply generous amounts of benzoyl peroxide to areas where you break out most often. Be sure to apply benzoyl peroxide between breakouts when your skin is clear because this is when acne develops. Clean your skin again with a cleanser that contains salicylic acid at the end of the day and apply more benzoyl peroxide. When you see new blemishes, spot treat with an alpha hydroxy acid, such as glycolic acid. Alpha hydroxy acid works like an exfoliating agent and washes away dead skin cells, which can clog pores and cause pimples to develop. It’s best to use an exfoliator no more than two or three times a week. Any more than that could dry your skin and cause redness and flaking.

Seek Medical Treatment

Most cases of acne can be treated at home with the right over the counter medications. If your acne does not respond to benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and a regular cleaning regimen, you should talk to your doctor about using more aggressive medications. Differin slows the growth of skin cells inside the hair follicle. Azelaic acid promotes the growth of new, healthy skin and prevents the build up of dead cells. Clindamycin is an antibiotic that kills P. Acnes, which is the bacteria that causes blemishes to develop. Another antibiotic, erythromycin, stops bacteria from growing. These medications can be used in combination with a home acne treatment to prevent new pimples and clear existing blemishes.

Caring for Your Skin

It’s important to use a water based skin moisturizer, especially when using acne medications because they can be extraordinarily drying. Using a product that is made with glycerin, urea and alpha hydroxy acids works by absorbing water from the atmosphere. A moisturizer with sunscreen will protect your skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays.

Would you like to be acne free in 3 days? Be sure to visit my site to read my acne free in 3 days review.

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