Category Archives: Acne Prevention

Acne Prevention – 6 Things You Must Do

Acne Prevention – 6 Things You Must Do

There is some debate about whether or not you can actively prevent acne. Some people argue that acne is a part of nature or pot luck, some people will get it and some people won’t – Is acne prevention a waste of time?. Taking good care of your skin can go a long way to preventing acne or at least reducing acne. So what do you need to do to assist your body in acne prevention? There are 6 vital steps you need to take in order to prevent acne …

1. Be Clean
Of course cleaning your skin should be an obvious part of your daily personal hygiene routine but don’t overdo it. Many people who suffer from acne mistakenly believe that they need to wash the skin as much as possible. Twice a day is an adequate number, anymore than this and you would actually harm the skin, decreasing the chances of preventing acne and increasing the chances of producing the P.

Acne bacteria.

2. Dress Smart
One overlooked aspect of acne prevention is how your choice of clothing can affect the spread of bacteria on your skin, don’t wear clothing that will rub on acne prone areas, for the same reason avoid hats, scarves and bandannas.

3. Be Sun smart
Everyone knows what damage from the sun can do to our skin, if the skin is sun damaged this increases the chances that pores will be blocked and bacteria has a better chance of growing. To help prevent acne, always wear sunscreen when out in the sun and re-apply every 3 hours.

4. Watch Your Diet
Even though scientific links between food and acne are uncommon, learn to monitor the reaction your skin has to the foods you eat. If you have an acne outbreak, could that be linked to something you ate? Everyone reacts differently to different foods, monitoring your diet can have a big influence on acne prevention.


Brush Your Hair
Using your hair to hide your acne covered face may actually increase your acne. Hair which has contact with your face can spread the P. Acne bacteria, make sure your hair is clean and try to avoid hair to face contact.

6. Make Smart Choices
One often overlooked tip to prevent acne is that when purchasing products that you will put on your skin, make-up, sunscreen or moisturizers, choose products which have “noncomedogenic” or “nonacnegenic” on the label. These products will help keep your pores clear and clear pores are vital to preventing acne.

For more information on acne prevention and other skin care related articles, please visit complete skin care advice.

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Prevent Acne Using These Tips

Prevent Acne Using These Tips


People, especially teenagers, are looking for ways on how to get rid of acne. If you are in this condition you are endangering your self to further spread of the infection and lifetime scarring of your face.

Getting rid of acne is a lot tougher than preventing them. So the best offense to get rid of acne is a good defense and prevents acne and pimples from occurring in the first place.

Here are some tips on preventing acne such as pimples, blackheads and whiteheads.

How To Prevent Acne

What actually starts acne is not well known, but it is believed to be caused by a hormone imbalance that is why teenagers going through puberty are more prone to this condition.

Acne develops when the skin excretes excess amounts of sebum (oil), which will cause the dead skin to clump together blocking pores.

This action traps bacteria in the pores that allow the bacteria to grow. At this point, the white blood cells will attack the growing bacteria resulting in acne.

Here is what you can do to prevent acne:







Exercise– It has been presented that exercise may help prevent acne by flushing the pores. No proof has been presented that supports this theory, yet it makes sense that sweating will purge your pores. Yet if you do exercise, it is important to properly clean your face afterwards to prevent clogging of your pores.
Cleansing– This is an important step to prevent acne. Using a cleanser specifically designed to stop acne by removing dead skin, sebum and bacteria will go a long way to preventing acne. This cleansing should be done at least twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed.
Oil Products– It is important to keep products that contain oil away from your face. You have enough oil being secreted by your skin, which you are trying to control, so you do not need any more. Look for products that you want to use on your skin that contain noncomedogenic or non-acnegenic which will not affect your pores and are oil free.
Exfoliate– Doing this one to two times a week will help remove dead skin and prevent clogging of your pores.
T -Zone– This is the area of your forehead, nose and chin that is more prone to acne infections than other parts of your body. So when you cleanse and exfoliate pay special attention to this area.
Vitamin A– A substance closely related to Vitamin A, called retinoid, is often used orally and topically (externally) by dermatologist to prevent acne breakouts. It works by promoting rapid skin cell division to prevent plugging of your pores.
Omega -3 – This is an essential fatty acid obtained from cold-water fish, such as wild salmon. They supposedly contain ingredients, according to a study performed by Lasky Skin Clinic in 2008. that may help in preventing acne. To help support this study, it was also found that communities that consumed large amounts of Omega – 3 in their diet had a very low occurrence of acne.


Of all these tips on how to avoid acne, the most important one to abide by is proper cleansing and exfoliating of your skin.


Jimmy C has been studying skin care for many years because of his skin problems in his youth. He is the Editor in Chief of a number of skin care web sites. Being a victim of acne in his younger days, he has researched this subject to help people prevent and stop acne. He has also studied many aspects of caring for the bodies skin and keeping it youthful and free of irritants. For more information on caring for acne or other facial blemishes and keeping your youthful appearance go to his web sites at Skin Care or Acne.

Acne Treatments and Prevention Information

Acne Treatments and Prevention Information

Acne is a skin condition that causes spots. Most people affected by acne are aged between 12 and 25. Today, virtually every case of acne can be resolved. There are many treatments available to help compact with the condition. There is a wide variety of acne treatments now available. You can find everything from prescription mediation to face washes. The market provides a solution for every individual. With the right treatment, you can keep acne under control. But what’s the best acne treatment for you?. Many options are available, including prescription creams and antibiotics, which target the various causes of acne.

There are a number of over-the-counter remedies available from pharmacies to treat mild acne. These usually contain antibacterial agents such as benzoyl peroxide another one of that is used topically is retin-a. Many people have had great accomplish with retin-a, which is used to treat acne, acne scars, wrinkles, stretch marks, skin discoloration, and a variety of other skin afflictions.

Retin-a is available by prescription, but some over the counter medications contain retin-a. Microdermabrasion type of treatment involves a hand-held device that blows crystals onto skin. These crystals gently abrade or “polish” the skin’s surface.

Chemical peels and microdermabrasion may be helpful in controlling acne. These cosmetic procedures which have habitually been used to lessen the appearance of fine lines, sun damage and minor facial scars are most helpful when used in combination with other acne treatments. Some types of oral contraceptive tablets help women who have acne. A combination of the usual pill hormone called ethinylestradiol with cyproterone acetate suppresses male hormone activity so is often used in women with acne.

Prevention is better than cure. There are some basic precautions you can take to help prevent breakouts.

Washing your face a few times a day with a mild soap can usually clear up a lot of acne by ridding the face of excess oils. However, over washing your face could lead to excess drying and the production of more pore-clogging oil, which in turn could cause more acne. Avoid Greasy Creams and Makeup. Oily makeup and creams clog the pores of the skin resulting in more acne formation. Apply a honey mask once a week. Honey is regarded as a disinfectant. Exercising regularly can help reduce stress and it increases blood circulation and oxygen penetration to the skin, which may help to prevent acne.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for Free Home Remedies. She also writes articles for beauty tips and women hairstyles.

General Information on Preventing Acne

General Information on Preventing Acne

The key which can act as a solution to the problem of acne has more to do with knowledge and common sense. Take some time and do consider reading the following:

A Treatment which works for many, may just not be the one for you

Nonetheless, most of the existing acne treatments are crafted in a way which can conquer multiple levels of acne, yet not every product or regiment is bound to work for every individual. There can be several factors which can precisely determine as to how you will respond to an undertaken treatment. Some of them are your skin type, diet, type of acne lesions, genetics, or even age.

The Resolution always takes some time

It’s true that many acne prevention products make promises for overnight successes, but the bitter truth is that may it be any product, it will require some time to make things work.

A typical time span could be around 6 to 8 weeks, after which you may notice some significant results. Determination and patience too are quite important for the treatment of acne.

Always consider to consult a good dermatologist to assist you

If you have tried out all the “over the counters” medicines, or the treatments you’ve been through aren’t just showing up any satisfactory results, then probably its time you should consider seeking out for assistance from a qualified dermatologist. Based on the health insurance coverage you own, your health insurance plan might even cover these kinds of visits. A dermatologist is a person who may very well be able to diagnose you and give you a kind of treatment you really need. He or she certainly will have more experience, and thus can take into account various kinds of factors that are the cause for acne.

Please Visit Acne Treatment and Acne Medicine to get the best available treatments for Acne.

Natural Diet To Prevent Acne

Natural Diet To Prevent Acne
Skin covers the outermost body, which indicates our health. From the condition of skin, one can easily say about the persons health irrespective of whether the skin is dry, oily or normal. The skin depends on the persons diet. Thus, diet plays an important factor in the skin texture of the person. Proper diet is the best solution to prevent acne. Below are a few tips on the proper diet of a person, which will help to give a clear and radiant skin.

Drink water and hydrate: Every cell in the human body needs water including skin to function properly. Drinking the right amount of water helps the body to clean the harmful toxins, which can cause diseases. If one is feeling thirsty, then instead of having a bottle of coke or soda, one can have water. A normal person can try to drink upto 3 liters of water.

Include green vegetables: Green vegetables are a good source of antioxidants that protect the skin from pollution, UV rays, and smoke that harms the skin. They also protect the skin from premature wrinkles, skin cancer and many other skin problems. Vitamin A is a popular ingredient used in cosmetic products such as anti acne gels and creams. One has to eat spinach, fenugreek leaves and peas, which are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Consume less sugar and carbohydrates: If one eats more of fried food and sweet items, then the chances of an acne erupting increases. More consumption of such food will raise the level of insulin in the blood and thus, increasing the acne. So, eat boiled food and food, which has less oil.

Eat fruits: Acne Diet fruits like strawberry and blueberries, which are skin friendly and rich in antioxidants, improve the skin tone and reduce acne. One can also eat fruits like orange, kiwi and grapes, which are beneficial for the health. Eating papaya and mangoes that are a good source of vitamin A are beneficial for the skin and helps prevent acne.

The Author is a professional writer, presently writing for Acne and Acne No More.

More Acne Prevention Articles

How to Prevent Acne Growth?

How to Prevent Acne Growth?

The source of acne may be different for different people and hence it becomes mandatory to do some research on what exactly caused acne to surface on your skin.
The common ways to prevent acne are

• Use of cleansing diet There are lot of impurities in your system. Always use a cleansing diet to get rid of those impurities. These impurities may be the root cause of acne.

• Skin to be kept clean Make sure that you keep your skin very clean. In the normal course we are exposed to so much of pollution. We need to wash our face more than four times with a cleanser to ensure that our skin is kept clean.

• Keep Blemishes at bayThere may be lot of blemishes that may appear on and off on your skin. A benzoyl peroxide lotion can do a great deal to keep the blemish away and let your skin glow.

• Check for Allergies There may be a lot of cosmetics you use and the food that you use consume that may not go well with your system.

There might be some allergic reactions. You must find out what exactly the root cause of that allergy is and keep those substances away from your body.

• Diet Eat a high fiber diet and avoid high fat diet that can keep acne away.

• Vitamin intake There are some vital vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body. You need to check that out with your doctor to ensure that you are taking the right vitamin substitute. However there is no replacement to natural vitamin intake through fresh fruits and vegetables.

• Water Intake Drinking plenty of water is a very effective way to prevent acne. You must drink water in relation to your body weight.

Water is a wonder liquid that is the cheapest and the most effective way to get rid of all the diseases. A minimum of six to eight glasses of water is very essential.

Ways to prevent acne are plenty. Proper knowledge about acne and the reason or the source for your acne can help you get rid of those very quickly and you can be blessed with a glowing skin again.

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